
Working girl: Fuchsia Sweater


!Buenas noches sweeties! Ya estamos a mitad de la semana, y hoy toca un nuevo look working girl. Uno de mis colores favoritos es el fucsia, y además en el invierno siempre da un toque de alegría a los looks tan negros. En el look de hoy llevo falda Midi con un jersey fucsia, que es el protagonista del look. Como accesorios, mis botas beige, collar babero en tonos rosas y bolso negro. 

¿Qué os ha parecido el look de hoy? Gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios.

Good night sweeties! We are in the middle of the week and today I show you a new working girl outfit. One of my favourite colours is the fuchsia and in addition, in the winter this colour gives a touch of joy to our outfits. In the outfit, I wore a Midi skirt with a fuchsia sweater, that it is the protagonist of the outfit. The accessories are beige boots, necklace and black bag.

What do you think about the outfit of the day? Thanks for your visits and comments.

Jacket: Zara (old, similar here)
Skirt: Stradivarius (new season)
Sweater: Stradivarius (old, similar here)
Belt: Stradivarius (new season)
Boots: Mary Paz (new season)
Bag: Suiteblanco (old, similar here)
Ring: Tous
Sunglasses: Tous

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