
It's cold outside


Parece que el frío ha llegado y sin dejarnos tiempo para acostumbrarnos a la caída de las temperaturas. Así que toca abrigarse para salir a la calle y creo que las prendas de pelo son las mejores para resguardarse del frío. En el look que os muestro hoy, combiné mi chaleco de pelo con un jersey de cuello alto negro y mis ripped jeans. Los accesorios del look son mis nuevas manoletinas estilo las de Valentino, mi bolso granate y un collar boho en tonos granates. Un look abrigado y cómodo para enfrentarse al frío de la ciudad.

¿Que os parece el look de hoy? Gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios. Nos vemos el martes con un nuevo post.

It seems that cold has arrived and it came quickly and without time to get used to the falling of the temperature. Then, we have to dress warmly to go out to the street and I think that furry clothes are the better kind of clothes to do this functionality. In the outfit of the day, I wore my furry vest with a black sweater with high neck and my ripped jeans. The accessories of the outfit were my new shoes similar to the Valentino's ones, a burgundy bag and a burgundy boho necklace. A comfy and warm outfit to take cover of the cold of the city.

What do you think about the outfit of the day? Thanks for your visits and comments. I will see you next Tuesday with a new post.

Chaleco/ Vest: Bershka (old)
Jersey/ Sweater: Suiteblanco (old, similar here)
Jeans: Stradivarius (sales, similar here)
Manoletinas/ Shoes: Que guapa (sales)
Bolso/ Bag: Stradivarius (old, similar here)
Collar/ Necklace: Stradivarius (old, similar here)

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